:{1s03t}: tuna, tomatoes and TAUPOK

a gang of people from different walks of life grouped together for the common interest of BCME and doing lame stuffs like playing the "haidai" game and "power-up" during lectures and tutorials and actually obliged to play frisbee or soccer on fridays regardless of sexes or sexual orientation ;)

Saturday, December 31, 2005


alright heres phil wishing u all a happy new year! woohoo!!!

anyway back to serious stuff...the timetable of course. according to unconfirmed sources, our timetable is basically the same except that PE is now on wed after math lecture instead of that crappy PW and civics. Civics is now held after math on friday so that means we get some hardcore kwanchua action on fri! woohoo!

anyway, heres the schedule for S paper (yet to be confirmed)
Monday: 1605-1655 Maths S Paper ----->LT 2

Tuesday: 1605-1655 Chem S Paper------> LT 1
1605-1655 Econ S Paper ---> LT 5 or 6

hmm some clashes here.

Thursday: 1605-1655 Econ S Paper --> LT 5 or 6
make-up lecture for those who CMI on tuesday?

Friday: 1605-1655 Biology S Paper ---> LT 3

ok we do have quite a balanced timetable! yeah