:{1s03t}: tuna, tomatoes and TAUPOK

a gang of people from different walks of life grouped together for the common interest of BCME and doing lame stuffs like playing the "haidai" game and "power-up" during lectures and tutorials and actually obliged to play frisbee or soccer on fridays regardless of sexes or sexual orientation ;)

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

[Learning with professor ngp] Tutorial 1

master genius ngiap was reaading his lecture notes on Genetic Control and Inheritance one fine tuesday afternoon (ok not so fine it was raining) when he came across,

Adenine base pairs with thymine to form 2 hydrogen bonds
Guanine base pairs with cytosine to form 3 hydrogen bonds

gosh, this is soooo tough to remember! ohmy oh my im screwed! he thought to himself. after intense hours of managing algorithms and studying the intricate relationship between alphanumerics, he came out with a wunnerful way of remembering this not-so-important detail.

AT 2, clock goes (CG) 3

A = adenine, T = thymine
C = cytosine, G = guanine

let "At 2, clock goes 3" be Pn.
blah blah blah.. At 2 oclock, the next hour the clock will go is 3. therefore, this special relationship can be obtained.

hurrays! you now have more memory space for biology!


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